Resources FILTERED

Digital Citizenship Week | Lesson Plans for Grades K-2

It is important to teach students how to make safe, smart, and ethical decisions in the digital world. "Building a culture of positive digital...

Creating Your First Mentimeter

Mentimeter is a digital tool that allows you to make your presentations interactive and engaging for your students. Students can participate in polls...

Creating a Book with StoryJumper

StoryJumper is a great website that offers students the chance to write, create, and publish their own stories. This site provides simple...

Create a TikTok-style Experience with Google Slides

Capitalizing on the excitement many of our students have about TikTok may seem unlikely in the classroom setting, but this post from Matt...

Cornell Notes: An Introduction and Templates

"Cornell Notes" refers to a popular note-taking system created by Walter Pauk, an education professor at Cornell University. Cornell Notes can be...

Cooperative Learning Strategies

Cooperative learning strategies are teaching structures in which groups, each with students of different ability levels, use a learning protocol to...


Coggle is a freemium collaborative mind-mapping tool used to help visually organize your thoughts. Students can use Coggle to brainstorm, break...

Students as Creators: Using a Green Screen: An On-Demand Workshop

A green screen is a green background that video production teams use to place visual effects later during the post-production phase. Imagine your...

Reflection Activity: Roll & Reflect

At times, it can be a struggle to fit time for reflection into a lesson. There is so much to do! Yet, I think we can all agree that including time to...

SEL Practices in the Remote Classroom

Research tells us that implementing SEL practices aids in both academic and personal growth. Bringing those practices to the remote classroom isn't...

SEL + Jamboard

Are you interested in ways your students can communicate their social and emotional needs with you digitally and in real-time? Then Jamboard has you...

Stop Motion Animation Slides: An On-Demand Workshop

Teachers can learn about using stop motion animation to bring concepts to life for students! Guest presenter Julia Crone will show how to...

Sketchnoting: An Overview

Sketchnoting, or visual note-taking, allows learners to create their own customized notes by combining images, graphics, and structure.This video...

Innovators' Compass

The Innovators' Compass is a great tool that allows users of all ages to see a situation from many angles and brainstorm possible solutions. With the...

Circly Overview

Circly is an online organizer tool and collaboration platform for visual thinkers. Capture and organize your ideas, tasks, projects, leads, and more...

Feedback and Universal Design for Learning

How can educators tailor feedback so it is accessible to and inclusive for all learners? With this resource, explore how educators can utilize the...

Giving Feedback: Seven Ways to Respond to Your Child's Creative Work

As guardians, it can be tough to find the right balance when trying to encourage our own children and engage them about their work. In this resource,...

Delaying the Grade: How to Get Students to Read the Feedback

Instead of focusing on a letter or number grade, we'd all like our students to prioritize the feedback we provide. In this resource from Cult of...

Reexamining Feedback Practices

If you've struggled with giving meaningful feedback on your students' work, you're not alone. In this resource, discover ways one teacher took tips...

Five Effective Feedback Practices

When we as educators put time into providing our students feedback, we want them to take that feedback, reflect, and grow in their work. This...